SPES founder, expert in energy planning and in complex and innovative projects management with over 25 years experience. He started working at the “Centro Studi Energia Renzo Tasselli” (CESEN of the Ansaldo Finmeccanica group) gaining experience in international projects (Africa, America and Asia) and then collaborating with leading consultancy companies nationwide (Metis, Ormes) within organization projects activities , industrial plans and business plans.
He’s founding member of SPES and has consolidated his experience on energy planning systems and innovative projects at European and international level. In recent years he has developed research and development projects to promote the introduction of innovations in cities with projects funded by the European Commission (IEE, 7th Framework Programme, Interreg and Horizon 2020). Expert of the Ministry of Education for the evaluation of R&D projects, Italian member in European Energy Award Forum.