SPES co-founder, graduated in mechanical engineering at the University of Genoa (energy systems and transport), she began working in the automotive industry collaborating with the FIAT CRF, and later began to focus on the environmental impact of the energy systems and sustainability issues working mainly for public entities. The versatility of her training and her personal interests have allowed her to devote herself, not only to energy efficiency, sustainable transport and renewable sources issues, but also to interdisciplinary and integrated activities such as planning and Smart Cities, combining technical expertise with acquired skills of conflict management and involvement of the public. She has considerable experience in the management of national and European funding schemes, in the certification procedures, in the training activities at different levels and she is included in the list of experts of the Ministry of Education (sector ING-IND/09 - SISTEMI PER L`ENERGIA E L`AMBIENTE e ING-IND/17 - IMPIANTI INDUSTRIALI MECCANICI E TERMICI)